高考在线 >贺信


2023-08-12 15:53:15 高考在线

  1.概念 祝贺信是向对方表示祝贺的书信。祝贺信种类很多,按写信者分,有个人的和组织的两大类;按内容分,有贺结婚、贺寿、贺获奖、贺立功、贺乔迁、贺节日等。


  (1)标题。有多种形式。一是草独由文种名称组成,如“祝贺信”;二是由祝贺对象与祝贺内容组成,如“贺xxx高榜提名”、“贺xxx厂建厂20 周年气三是由祝贺双方和祝贺内容组成,如“xxx贺xxx出国留学”、 "xxx学院贺xxx学院50周年校庆”。










  (2)行文规范,称谓得体。评价要适当而有新意,避免陈词滥调。 (3)文字简练,语言朴素。

  Last Saturday, you ate at a restaurant and found a fly in one of the dishes you ordered. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the restaurant and offer your suggestions on this problem

  Dear manager,

  I was a guest/customer at your restaurant last Saturday. I wish to refer you to the incident that happened that day, calling for your immediate attention to the matter.

  It shocked me when I found a fly in a dish in the middle of our meal. I could hardly bear it. I felt sick. If it happens again, I am convinced that no one will come to eat here any more. It is advisable for you to tidy up/ clean up your kitchen as soon as possible.

  Please give me your immediate attention to this matter.

  Sincerely yours,
