高考在线 >句子


2023-08-08 03:40:06 高考在线


  句型1:it+be+adj.(for sb./of sb.)to do

  it is difficult(for me)to learn russian.(我)学俄语是件困难的事。

  it is very kind of you to help me.你帮助我真是太好了。

  句型2:it +be +adj.+that

  it is true that he went there.他去了那儿,是真的'。

  句型3:it +be +time +for +n.

  it +be +time(for sb.)+to do

  it's time for class.该上课了。

  it's time(for us)to go to school.(我们)该上学了。


  it's seven now.现在七点了。

  it's winter now.现在是冬季。

  it's sunny today.今天阳光灿烂。

  it's twenty miles to london.这里离伦敦有20英里。

  句型5:it's one's turn(to do)

  it's your turn to speak.轮到你发言了。

  句型6:it +takes/took+sb.+some time +to do

  it took me two hours to finish the work.我用了两小时完成这项工作。

  句型7:it seems that...

  it seems that he has been ill for a long time.他好像病了很长时间。

  句型8:it +costs +sb.+some money +to do

  it cost me 1,000 yuan to buy that bike.买那辆自行车我用了1000元。

  句型9:it +be +some time +since...

  it is three years since he came here.他自来这儿以来,已经三年了。

  句型10:it +be +quite +a(an)+adj.+n.

  it's quite a nice book.它是一本相当好的书。