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2023-08-03 04:25:57 高考在线
Minimoon is a short trip after a couple gets married in place of a full honeymoon. When you don't have time to take off for a real honey moon, you can go on a minimoon with your lover.婚后小休是新人结婚后替代蜜月的一次短途旅行。当你没时间度蜜月时,你可以和爱人一起来个婚后小休。
Minimoon allows newlyweds to relax after exhausting wedding preparations, and enable them to enjoy the sweet love season by having a short holiday.婚后小休让被婚礼准备工作弄得精疲力竭的新婚夫妇可以放松一下,也让他们可以在休短假时享受甜蜜时光。
My friends are taking a minimoon right after they get married. They are going on their actual honeymoon trip in a few months.我朋友一结婚马上就休了个短假。他们真正的蜜月旅行将在几个月后开始。