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2023-08-09 04:48:16用英语鼓励同事的经典句子
2023-08-10 21:29:06
This hole←large←enough for a dog to pass through must be blocked up.
Don't throw away that filing cabinet←big←enough to keep all the old documents.
We should be fair to all people, big and small, young and old.
(三)形容词修饰“anything, something, nothing, everything”等代名词时,也要在后头出现,如:There is nothing funny about it.
Something important has been found.
Military offenders will be sued in the court-martial. (军事法庭)
The sum total (总数) of his teaching experience is two years as a relief teacher in a secondary school.
Since time immemorial (太古时代), human beings have fought for survival.
On Sunday last (上星期日);16. On Monday next (下星期一);17. Volume one (第一卷);18. Chaper two (第二章); 19. Page three (第三页)。
Brave he may be, but he is not a good soldier.
Old though Jane is, she is healthy and energetic.
He gave me a box full of books. 他给了我一个盛满书的箱子。
All the people on this island, young or old, are all fond of music.
E away, long, wide, high, deep, old等词附有数词短语说明时,要后置。
The river is 20 meters wide. 这条河二十米宽。