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2023-08-09 22:30:05
1. So earlier this year, I was informed that I would be doing a TED Talk. So I was excited, then I panicked, then I was excited, then I panicked, and in between the excitement and the panicking, I started to do my research, and my research primarily consisted of Googling how to give a great TED Talk.And interspersed with that, I was Googling Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. How many of you know who that is?...
2. My big ideais a very, very small ideathat can unlockbillions of big ideasthat are at the moment dormant inside us.And my little idea that will do thatis sleep.This is a room of type-A women.This is a roomof sleep-deprived women.And I learned the hard way,the value of sleep.Two-and-a-half years ago,I fainted from exhaustion.I hit my head on my desk. I broke my cheekbone,I got five stitches on my right eye.And I began the journeyof rediscovering the value of sleep.And in the course of that,I studied,I met with medical doctors, scientists,and I'm here to tell youthat the way to a more productive,more inspired, more joyful lifeis getting enough sleep....