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2023-08-05 08:17:02
chinese seal-dancing beijing
The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem @Chinese Seal, Dancing Beijing北京2008年奥运会会徽“中国印,舞动的北京”
"Dancing Beijing" is a milestone of the Olympics.“舞动的北京”是一座奥林匹克的里程碑。
How do you like the emblem of Dancing Beijing?你认为“舞动的北京”这个会徽怎么样?
The official emblem of Beijing 2008 entitled"Chinese seal-Dancing Beijing" combines the Chinese seal and the art of calligraphy with sporting features.北京2008年奥运会的会徽“中国印。舞动的北京”将中国篆刻和书法艺术与体育运动的`特色结合在一起。
Polly: Please don't forget to have your boss seal it with your company's Chinese seal, and not the English one.请别忘记让你们老板用公司的中文印鉴盖章,不要用英文的。
Mike: Yes, and I am learning about Chinese seals.是的,还学习有关中国印章的知识。
Chinese seal logo design elements, combining Dunhuang frescoes in the sky designs reflect the rich Chinese folk music culture.标志设计以中国印章的元素,结合敦煌壁画的飞天图案,体现出浓郁的中国民乐文化特色。
Based on this view, the thesis is set to investigate the art of spatial writing by a method devised by systematic study from Chinese seal engraving.本论文是基于这样的想法下所做的试探,探讨空间写作的可能性,并以篆刻做为建立设计方法的资源。
Chinese Seal. People. Com voiced this opinion: the mascots will provide the next wave of momentum after the launch of the Olympic Emblem, "Chinese Seal".人民网的观点认为,北京奥运会吉祥物的发行,将成为继奥运会徽"中国印"后的又一个商机。中国印。
"Yu"(means jade) combines with Chinese seal together with Chinese character “Songyuan”to form a whole sign“Yu songyuan”, which is rich of Chinese cultural background and modernness.将中国的“玉”同中国的印章,结合起来连同中国的书法字体“松源”共同构成的“玉松源”标志,既具备了中国的文化背景又不乏现代时尚感。
treatises of Chinese seal cutting中国篆刻论著
That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature.那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food!吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊!
Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles.中餐常有米饭或面条。
That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese.那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。
The English language is not allied to the Chinese.英语与汉语不属于同一语系。
The Chinese eat with chopsticks.中国人用筷子吃饭。
The system can translate English into Chinese.这个系统能将英语译为汉语。
People seldom stock up on Chinese cabbage now.现在人们很少贮存大白菜了。
"The emblem of the 2008 Olympics, rich in culture and dubBed "Dancing beijing,"fully reflects the theme of the Olympic Games to be held in 2008 in beijing."奥运标志"舞动的北京"具有丰富的文化内涵,充分展示了2OO8北京奥运会的主题。