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From the above mentioned customs, we can see that there are especially many taboos during Chinese New Year. On Yuan Dan in particular, there are more taboos on speech and behaviour than those on other ordinary days. Similarly, there are more activities in pursuit of good cause than usual. On probing the activities and taboos, we have no difficulty to understand that the theme behind is always related to fortune, wealth and goodness, and that people usually concern themselves with a good beginning for the year.
Some taboos may look superstitious on the surface, but they do produce efficacy. If we practise them circumspectively, they will yield practical results. For example, the prohibition of bad words, quarrel, weeping and crying, together with the emphasis on thinking positively even when things are broken, provide some normative rules for people to follow. This gives people the opportunity to mend their ways, to develop good attitudes, and to form a habit of thinking positively and looking at the good side of things. The prohibition of sweeping and disposing the rubbish in the first five days forces people to arrange their things and clear away the rubbish properly at the end of each year, so that no unwanted things will be carried forward to the new year. At the same time, the taboo also compels people to learn to be thrifty. This is because to prevent accumulated things from becoming rubbish, people must be careful in the use of any paper or other things, and thus avoid waste of things.
The avoidance of medicine and sneeze on the first day looks like a joke and is absurd as far as the patient is concerned. However, because of the taboos, people will be conscious enough to take serious care of their health during the windy and snowing season. Thus, they will avoid falling sick in the New Year and wasting away the precious spring hours.
Nowadays, people have abandoned the custom of bringing along greeting cards when they go for New Year house visits. However, Chinese Malaysians still maintain the habit of sending New Year greeting cards by post before the New Year.
There are even non-Chinese sending New Year greeting cared in English or Malay languages to their Chinese friends. Moreover, the Chinese like to use colourful New Year cared to decorate their houses, so as to strengthen the New Year atmosphere. Like the ancient days' greeting cards for he zheng which were displayed in the main hall, these modern New Year cards also reflect the social position of the persons who receive the cards. Thus, in the way, the ancient rite of he zheng has developed in Malaysia with a Malaysian colour.
1、庆祝元旦(打一中国地名) 【答案】:贺,阳朔
2、元旦(打一字谜) 【答案】:明
3、元旦出世(打一字谜) 【答案】:腥
4、元旦离别去台南(打一字谜) 【答案】:酝
5、元旦落雨(打一字谜) 【答案】:一
6、先后一致尽左袒 (打一节日) 【答案】:元旦
7、查完一半,对调位置(打一节日) 【答案】:元旦
8、元旦放假,明天上班(打一成语) 【答案】:一不做,二不休
9、元旦(打一古文句) 【答案】:是清明前一日
10、元旦(打一打《三字经》一句) 【答案】:我周公(打一周公名旦)
11、元旦献词(打一教育词语) 【答案】:第一节日语
12、晁盖四点三分到 (打一节日) 【答案】:元旦
13、云儿抹远山,天端掩明月 (打一节日) 【答案】:元旦
14、元旦离家除夕还(打一天文词语) 【答案】:回归年
15、元旦赐爵(打一邮政集邮词语) 【答案】:首日封