2023-08-12 13:14:39有关兔子的谜语有哪些呢
2023-08-15 01:47:17谜底是水果的谜语精选
2023-08-14 00:35:41有哪些谜底是饺子的谜语
2023-08-08 13:52:36谜底是姓氏的谜语
2023-08-09 20:03:12谜语用英语怎么写
2023-08-02 19:30:27谜底是心脏的谜语
2023-08-10 02:20:29谜底是木字的谜语
2023-08-12 13:14:39食品安全知识资料
2023-08-02 17:39:09菽庄花园导游词-福建导游词
2023-08-12 01:13:42哈尔滨滨江湿地导游词
2023-08-18 20:23:07
1) Two Fathers and Two Sons
Two fathers and two sons go fishing together in the same boat. They all catch a fish but the total catch for the day is three fish. How is this possible?
2) Mine
What is yours but everyone uses it?
3) Traveler
What sits in a corner, but travels all around the world?
4) Window Cleaner
A window cleaner is cleaning the windows on the 25th floor of a skyscraper. He slips and falls. He is not wearing a safety harness and nothing slows his fall, yet he suffers no injuries. Explain.
5) Police Officer
A police officer sees a truck driver travelling against the direction of traffic down a one-way street, but did not try to stop him. Why not?
That’s all for this week. Feel free to use these, I found them funny just writing about them. Talk you guys again next week!
1) There is a grandpa, father & son
2) Your name
3) A stamp
4) The window cleaner is cleaning the inside windows
5) The truck driver is walking