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2023-08-17 05:14:21
无论是申英国还是美澳院校,留学文书最重要的部分都包括PS (Personal Statement) 个人陈述和RL (Reference Letter)推荐信。PS当然是自己写,RL通常需要大学教授出具。能为自己争取一份言辞恳切、内容详实的推荐信无疑可以为自己的申请加分。
我一共向这学期教我课的3位老师提出写推荐信的请求,分别是实践课Student Campus TV,
Step 1:提出请求
邮件标题:Recommendation for [Your Name]
Dear Dr. [Surname or full name],
My name is Yi Fan and I have taken part in your course “Translation I” (Group J). I am writing to ask if you would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for me.
I would like to further my study in the field of translation and am planning to apply for the graduate program MA in Translating and Interpreting in Great Britain after returning to China. So it would be of great help if I could receive a letter of recommendation from you in support of the application. I would
really appreciate it. Herewith I also send the writing by myself and my résumé with more detailed information. [注]
【写明deadline and how you will follow up】
I am going back to China at the end of this week. Please let me know if you are willing to write me a recommendation letter and I'd be glad to come to your office.
Now the time as an exchange student here is about to over. Thank you for the time and assistance you offered us. It was a great pleasure to take part in this translation course and it was one of my favourite among all the courses I have attended at Ruhr-University.
Best regards,
Yi Fan
1.我在邮件里附上了自己写好的草稿和个人简历。原则上说,推荐信应该完全由教授写,但是我相信大学教授们公务已经很繁忙,不会闲到有时间为我们斟词酌句,从空白的纸上写出费时又费力得推荐信。但如果是在现有的草稿上修改就不一样了,这不仅会为他们减轻很多工作量,而且能让他们知道你想在推荐信里强调自己哪方面的能力,从而最终的结果也更能meet your expectations. 即使不写完整的草稿,也要在邮件中提供详细的信息和材料。附上最基本的简历能为教授提供被推荐人的经历的大致轮廓,毕竟他们没有理由为一个自己根本不了解的学生写推荐。
Step 2: 等待回复
Dear Ms Fan,
Thank you for your e-mail. Sure, I can write the letter of recommendation for you; however, as I am at the moment hard-pressed for time, I cannot promise to have the piece ready by the end of the week. Please let me know quickly whether it is alright if I send you the document after my return from my holidays at the beginning of August. Are there any deadlines?
M. Goth
Step 3: 继续交涉和沟通
Dear Ms Fan,
I am happy to inform you that I have by now written your recommendation. I shall be at the university tomorrow; you can reach me between 9.15 and 10 in the morning, and between 2 and 4 in the afternoon. I have attached my text to your e-mail. Please let me know if you are able to pick it up tomorrow. Best regards
M. Goth
Step 4: 感谢推荐人
最后别忘记再次发邮件感谢,这不仅仅是一种good manners, 更重要的是在未来的学术领域我们很可能还会需要他们的帮助。保持联系,告诉推荐人申请的进展;如果最终获得admission,更应和自己的推荐人分享这份欣喜。
Dear Dr. Goth,
I would like to thank you for taking the time and effort to write the letter of recommendation for me. I am truly thankful for your support.
Translating gives me great pleasure and so did your translation course. I appreciate the way you teach and enjoyed the discussions in the class. Every time we finished translating a text, I felt a great sense of achievement. After this summer term, I become even more determined to further my study in this field.
I want to let you know how much your recommendation letter means to me. It will open doors and provide opportunities as I start this next stage of my life. I will keep you updated about my progress in applying to graduate school. Thanks again.
Best regards,
Yi Fan
实践课Campus TV的老师其实也欣然应允了,答应邮寄给我。但是我一个多星期后仍未收到,于是打电话询问。同事告知这位老师正在休假,但答应帮我转达。后来回复邮件已寄出,但我至今未收到,从此也没有下文。
经济英语的老师我也是当面提出的,当时的回答是 I need to ask if I’m allowed to write you a recommendation.让隔天再去。隔日,他将推荐信给我,但遗憾的是没有用校方公函信纸打印,只有签字和系里的公章,因而显得很粗糙,也不符合所申学校的要求。因此,关于推荐信的细节一定要事先明确向老师说明,不能不好意思提这些要求,因为如果这时不提,等老师把细节上不符合要求的推荐信交到你手上时,就更加不好意思开口说了。