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2023-08-01 19:58:18
付款委托书英文 篇1
I, _____________________(Name), Passport/Identity Card _____________ , hereby authorised , holder of Passport/Identity Card number , to submit/collect my visa application on my behalf.
___________________ ____________
Signature of Applicant Date
付款委托书英文 篇2
__________ the shop:
We hereby entrust you with the following account:
Account: __________ account: the... bank: __________ the contact phone number:
Any economic dispute arising from the payment of this account is not related to the __________ store. All legal liabilities arising therefrom shall be borne by (the unit, I). If you have a replacement account, please contact the operator in advance.
We inform you!
Client (signature and seal) :
There are three copies of the payment order forms for you to collect. If there is any mistake, please timely feedback:
付款委托书英文 篇3
_____________________(name), passport/identity card
本 人, ( 姓 名) 护 照/ 身 份 证 号 码
_____________ , hereby authorised , holder of passport/identity card number , to submit/collect
护 照/身 份 证 号 码 代 表 我 递 交/ 领 取
my visa applicationon my behalf.
我 的 签 证 申 请。 ___________________ ____________
signature of applicant date
申 请 人 签 名 日 期