高考在线 >英语


2023-08-06 22:43:57 高考在线


irst aid


Teaching aims

通过本单元的教学,学生了解有关急救的常识,在生活中如何处理一些突发事件,然后实施紧急救护等总结,归纳情态动词的用法,如:should/shouldn’t; must/mustn’t ;ought to等表示义务和责任的用法。

Teaching important and difficult points


knee, still, bite (bit, bitten/bit), lay (laid, laid), mouth-to-mouth, bum, cut, electric, container pool, breathe, within, handkerchief, wound, safety, wire, guard, sideway, firm, firmly wherever, stomach, injure, injured, injury, poison, quantity, nearby


first aid, ought to, medical care, by mistake, pay attention to, in a short while, deal with, take it easy, running water, out of one’s reach, throw up, hold up

3. Useful e-pressions

We must carry her to the side of the road.

You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt.

Parents should know some first aid.

You shouldn’t get up if you are badly hurt.

I ought to go home.

I have to cook supper for my grandmother.

4. Grammar

Revise Modal Verbs : must, should

Study Modal Verb: ought to





教师布置学生写作的题目及要求,教师给学生几分钟时间进行讨论,教师给学生一些关键的词语,如:breathe, First Aid Centre, handkerchief, mouth-to mouth so on.之后,教师给学生十分钟左右时间开始写,最后教师请几位同学朗读,教师给予讲评。


本单元是围绕First aid, Safety in the home,展开话题。对话课中描述两个学生在街上看到一个女孩从自行车上摔下来的经过,同时对话中使用了情态动词的用法,课文中附有图片和口语练习,帮助学生了解急救的重要性及有关的常识。


1. What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake? 假如有人误喝了毒药,你怎么办?

by mistake是固定词组,意为“错误地”,“无心地(做错了事)”。例如:

She put salt in her cup of coffee by mistake.她错将盐放入咖啡里了。

2. do with,deal with


但是用于特殊疑问句的时候do with与what连用;deal with则与how连用。例如:


另外,do with还可表达别的意思。例如:

What did you do with my umbrella? (=Where did you put my umbrella?)


What are we to do with this naughty boy? (=How are we to deal with this naughty boy?) 我们该怎样处置这个顽皮的男孩?

3. knock at, knock down & knock into的区别

knock at 指“敲打门窗”

I heard someone knocking at the door.我听见有人敲门。

Tom tried knocking at the window.汤姆试着敲了敲窗户。

knock down 指“……撞倒”

He nearly knocked me down at the corner.在拐角处,他几乎把我撞倒。

He was knocked down by a car. 他被汽车撞倒了。

knock into 指“碰倒,撞上某人”,也可指“偶然碰见”。

The child knocked into the teacher.那孩子撞到了老师身上。

He knocked into the chair in the dark.黑暗中他撞在了椅子上。

He didn't e-pect to knock into some of his friends here.他没有想到在这儿遇见一些朋友。

4. ask, demand, inquire, question & require


Did you ask the price of that ten-speed bicycle?你打听过那辆十速自行车的价钱了吗?


I demand that you leave this place at once.我要求你立即离开此地。

3)inquire 多用于较正式的语体,通常只表示打听消息,寻求答案。

He inquired of the girl the way to the railway station.他问那女孩到火车站怎么走。

4)question 常表示一连串问题,有时则有盘问,审问之意。

①The questioning of the prisoner went on for hours.对那个囚犯的审讯延续了好几个小时。


Since he was involved in the case, the court required his appearance.由于他与此案有关,法庭令他出庭。

5.breathe & breath

1)breathe 是动词,是“呼吸”的意思。

He was breathing hard/heavily after racing for the train.他跑着赶上了火车,吃力地喘着气。

It is good to breathe fresh country air instead of city smoke.呼吸乡间新闻空气而不吸入城市烟尘是有益的。


1)I can't concentrate with you breathing down my neck.你这样紧紧叮着我,使我精神无法集中。

2)Promise me you won't breathe a word of this to anyone.答应我别将此事泄漏给任何人。

3)The new manager has breathed fresh life into the company.新经理给公司带来了朝气。


1)You can see people's breath on a cold day.冷天能看到人们呼出的空气。

2)His breath smelt of garlic.他呼出气中有蒜味。


①Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office.她的微笑给沉闷的办公室带来生气。

②Religion is the breath of life for her.宗教对她来说是不可缺少的精神支柱。

③It took us a few minutes to get our breath back after the race.赛跑后我们用了好几分钟才恢复了正常呼吸。

④The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.杂技演员走钢丝时,观众们都屏住了呼吸。

⑤His heart condition makes him short(out) of breath.他心脏状况不佳使他呼吸急。

⑥He lost his breath in running.由于奔跑他几乎喘不上气。

语法:情态动词(Modal Verbs)

1) must


We must obey the rules.我们必须遵守规则。

You mustn’t talk like that.你可不能那样说话。


She said that we must wait a little while.她说我们必须要等一会儿。


must have则表示对过去情况的推测。例如:

This must be Tom’s room. 这准是Tom的房间。

Jack must have gone there, hasn’t he? / didn’t he?杰克准是去过那儿了,对不对?

C.比较:have to也表示“必须”,但have to更强调客观需要,must着重说明主观看法。如:

We had to be there at 10 o’clock.我们得在10点到那儿。(客观需要)

We must be back before 10 o’clock.我们必须10点前回来。(主观认为)


We must / have to leave now.我们得走了。

must和have to的否定式即mustn’t和don’t have to意思完全不同。Mustn’t表示“不作某事”,有禁止的含义;don’t have to表示“不必要(作某事)”,含有“客观上无此必要”的意思。例如:

You mustn’t move someone if the person is badly hurt.如果这人受了重伤,你一定不要动他.

The person isn’t hurt at all. You don’t have to give him first aid.这个人根本就没有受伤,你不必给他进行急救。


Step I.Revision

Check the homework with the whole class.

Step II. Warming up

Ask the students to read the instructions and make sure they know what to do, and then have a discussion about the two pictures.

T: Today, before we begin our reading, I’d like to ask you a question, “What is the biggest sound you have heard in your life?”

S1: The sound of wind that blew in a winter night when I was very young. It sounded like a ghost who was howling. I was very frightened at that time.

S2: The biggest noise was the one that I heard when my neighbor was quarrelling with his wife. Perhaps, they broke their TV set.

T: That’s too terrible.

S3: The noise when planes take off.

S4: The sound of trains.

T: Good! I agree that all of them are big sound. But did you once heard the sound that the heaven falls and the earth cracks, in Chinese it is 天崩地裂?

Ss: No, we have no chance to hear that.

T: If there is a sound like this, what is it?

S5: When someone hears something une-pected and terrible. For e-ample, when one of his loved families dies, he will feel this sound.

T: Terrific! You are using a literary way to e-press the sound.

S6: When an earthquake happens.

T: Great! I have waited for this answer for a long time. Today we’ll learn something about earthquakes. I think most of us have heard of earthquakes. Can you imagine how terrible it is ?

S7: The earth is shaking . All the buildings will fall down.

S8: Many people will die. And perhaps many children will lose their parents.

T: Yeah, earthquakes are disasters to everybody. Now look at the two pictures of Tangshan and San Francisco. Can you describe what you see in the pictures?

S1: Tangshan is a beautiful city. It has beautiful gardens, broad roads and some tall buildings.

S2: From the picture of San Francisco,I can see that it is a very big city. There are many tall buildings thickly standing on the earth. I think the population of the city is very large.

T: Good! What will happen if there has been a big earthquake in these two cities? Work in pairs and discuss it. Then I’ll ask so me of you to show your opinion.

Step III.Pre-reading

There are two questions in this part. Both are very interesting. The first one c

an more or less reveal the students’ values; while the second one can enlarge their imagination. No matter what their answers are, as long as they have given careful thoughts to the situations, their answers should be good.

T: Now, let’s look at the pictures. What are the predictions of an earthquake?

S1: Before an earthquake animals will become nervous. Cows, pigs, horses and dogs will be upset. And people can see mice running about. If the earthquake happens during winter, people can even see snakes.

T: Terrific! Where did you get this knowledge?

S1: From geography. I like it.

T: good. Sit down please.

S2: Madam, I don’t know the meaning of the picture with two women.

T: It doesn’t matter. You will know it soon after reading our te-t. OK. Imagine there is an earthquake now, and your home is shaking, at this moment you have no time to take any other things but one, what will it be?

S3: I’ll take all my money. People can’t live without money.

S4: I will take as much water as possible. Because it is said that people can keep alive for nearly 7 days by drinking without any food

S5: In that case, I’d rather take some apples, so that besides drinking, I can also eat.

S6: I will carry my grandma. She is my most loved person in this world. She brought me up.

T: What a dutiful child you are! I’m very glad to hear that. Sit down please! It seems that all of you know what you should do during an earthquake. OK. Let’s read our te-t, and see what it tells us.

Step IV.Reading

In this part, teacher should ask the students to read the passage quickly for the first time to get the general idea of the passage. Ask them to pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. This can help them finish e-ercise3 in Comprehention. It is about the main idea of each paragraph. Then ask them to read the te-t again carefully to obtain some details. Before reading for the second time, show some questions on the screen, and let the students read the questions first. These questions can guide them to have a good understanding about the te-t. They can also make preparations for E-s1-2,which are about details.


T: At first I’d like to read the te-t quickly to get the general idea of the article. While reading, you should pay attention to the sentence of each paragraph.

T: Have you got the general idea of the te-t?

Ss: Yes.

T: What is it?

S1: There is no quick answer to this question . Are you suggesting us that the general idea is the mi-ture of the first sentences of each paragraph?

T: Sure.

S1:OK. That’s easy. The main idea of the passage is some signs of the earthquake, and what would happen during the quake.

T: Good, sit down please. In fact, while we are answering the questions, we have involved the sequence, the functional item for this unit. (Teacher writes the word on the blackboard ) Do you understand the meaning of the word?

Ss: No.

T: Sequence means the order of the events. It can tell us which event happens first, and which happens later. Do you know the sequence that is used in our te-t?

S3: Yes. At first, the te-t tells us something that happened before the quake, then it tells us the things that happened during the quake and at last it tells us the things that happened after the earthquake.

T: Quite right! Now please look at the screen, these are the first sentences of each paragraph. Read them and think if they are the main idea of the te-t. If necessary, you may make some changes to make more e-act.

Teacher shows the screen and gives a little time to think it over.

1.Strange things were happening in the countryside in the northeast Hebei.

2.The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss.

3. All hope was not lost.

Careful reading

T: Now, it’s time for us to read the te-t carefully. But before reading, you should read some questions first. These questions may help you get some information quickly and easily. Now look at the screen, and read the questions.

Show on the screen

1.What natural signs of a coming disaster were there?

2.Can you think of some reasons why these signs weren’t noticed?

3.What events probably made the disaster worse?

4.What situations probably made the disaster worse?

5.How were the survivors held?

Step V. E-tension

Show the questions on the screen.

1.From whose point of view are events described? How do you know?

2.What is the mood of this passage? How is it created?

3.Why do you think the writer chooses to e-press his feelings about the quake rather than simply reporting what had happened?

4.Why is the title A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP?

5.What does the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again.” mean?


1. He uses third-person to describe the quake. His description is very objective. For e-ample, the second sentence in the third paragraph. The writer says: “Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.” The writer uses they instead of we.

2.The mood is serious and a bit sad. It is created by giving details of how many people and animals were killed or injured, and how many buildings were destroyed.

3.Although the writer was not there, he felt sad for the people of Tangshan. He knows that some personal feelings will make the reading more interesting.

4.I think the reason is that, as usual, night is the time to sleep, and night should be safe and quiet. But that night everything changed. The writer uses A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP as a title to show how terrible and how unusual the night was.

5.Here we can see that the writer compared the city to a person who suffered a lot in the disaster. He felt her pain, and he worried about her. So when he said that people came to help her, we can feel his feelings to the city. The city will not die, she has hope and she can recover from the pain.

Step VI Comprehending

Answers to E--1-3

1.1. C 2. E 3.B 4.D 5.A

2.1. The walls of the villages wells had cracks in them.

2 .Roads got huge cracks

3. Brick buildings were destroyed.

4. The army helped the survivors.

5. Shelters were put up for those with no homes.

3.1. Strange things were happening in the countryside in northeast Hebei..

1.The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss.

2.All hope was not lost.

Step VII Homework



一、教学内容 Pre-reading; Reading; Comprehending



l 认识节日的分类以及节日对人们生活的影响,从更深入的层面理解各国节日的意义。

l 运用略读(skimming)、找读(scanning)、细读(careful reading)等阅读技巧来掌握篇章中心内容,获取阅读文章中的关键信息。

l 根据上下文,理解本课的生词、词组,如feast, gather, belief, dress up, play a trick on, admire, poet, look forward, day and night。


步骤一 略读(skimming)




步骤二 找读(scanning)





3. 在老师的指导下,全班合作填写练习1表格中的第一行。然后,老师要求学生独立完成余下的三行表格的填写。学生完成表格的填写后,老师作点评。


步骤三 细读(careful reading)

1. 学生仔细阅读课文,独立完成Comprehending中练习2的问题1~3,然后请几个学生回答,最后全班核对答案。



1) Festivals of the dead are for hornouring or satisfying dead ancestors or others, who some people believe might return to help or harm living people.

2) Autumn festivals are happy events because people are thankful that food is ready for winter and the hard farm work is finished.

3) At spring festivals, people usually have dances, carnivals and other activities to celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring.

2. 学生4人一组讨论问题4~5,然后每组选出一名代表,汇报讨论结果,最后老师给予指导并得出尽可能一致的意见。



1) It is important to have festivals and celebrations so we can enjoy life / be proud of our customs / forget our work for a little while.

2) The Chinese, Japanese and Me-ican festivals of the dead all have customs to honour the dead. The Chinese and Japanese go to clean their ancestors’ tombs.

步骤四 归纳内容、对比




步骤五 解决阅读中学生遇到的困难

老师要求学生朗读课文。然后4人一组根据上下文讨论在阅读中遇到的难以理解的单词和词组,如feast, gather, belief, dress up, play a trick on, admire, poet, look forward, day and night等,先是组内探讨解决,组内解决不了的,老师给予帮助。


步骤六 归纳整理、复述课文

1. 老师事先用投影呈现出本课信息图,学生在老师的引导下,共同完成信息图中的信息填写,选一名学生填写投影中的信息图(可用词或短语)。然后学生根据“信息图”用自己的话复述课文:


步骤七 作业




一、 教材分析




w 本课是高中一年级英语上册 ,unit 2 English around the world 中的Reading.

w 本单元的中心话题是“世界英语”,具体涉及“英语在当今世界范围内人们生活中扮演的不同角色及其重要意义,以及英美语言的差异”。本课的语言知识及语言技能主要是围绕“世界英语”这一中心话题进行设计的。

w 本课时主要分为两部分:

1)Pre-reading. (读前准备)

“ 读前准备”部分是Reading的前奏,此部分设计了两个问题,诱发学思考。通过对问题的讨论和比较,让学生明白学好英语的重要性。

2).Reading (阅读)














1. 语言目标


2. 情感目标

让学生领会英美不同文化差异和风俗习惯, 领会语言丰富多彩性和发展变化的特征,使学生在认识世界英语在人们生活中扮演的不同角色的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。培养他们的跨国文化意识和世界意识。





1、导入:首先在学生对英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言和越来越多的人在学习英语现有情况了解的基础上,引出问题“Do you know how many countries use English as their mother tongue?Do you know something about English around the world?”在学生思索时,引出课题English around the world。接着再询问学生:What language has the largest number of speakers in the world? What language is the most widely spoken and used in the world? How many countries do you know use English as their mother tongue?使学生对本节课的话题有进一步了解,而且很有兴趣了解“世界英语”的具体情况。从另一个角度,先给学生一个语言上的input。激发学生的兴趣和欲望.

2、Pre-reading (读前准备):在学生回答了以上问题后,我让学生看这一部分课本上所设的两个问题: 1) How many languages do you speak? Which is your native language? 2) If you speak more than one language, in what situation do you use the languages?让学生仔细思考后回答。教师不必忙着下结论,诱导他们从书中去思考寻找答案,激发他们探究的兴趣。


任务 1:Listen to the tape ,听录音,然后让学生尽力得出大意并且回答问题

1. How many countries are there where the majority of people speak English?

2. How is English used in Hong Kong?

3. What language should we use on the Internet so that we can communicate with people around the world ?




1、There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English in the world.()

2、There are more than 37,500,000 people who learn English as a second language.()

3、New Zealand, South Africa, the Republic of Ireland and the Philippines use English as their mother tongue.()

4、More than 750,000,000 people learn English as a foreign language.()

5、English is the only one working language of most international organizational trade and tourism.( )



1、 According to the te-t, which is TRUE about those who use

English as a second language?

A. English is also their mother tongue.

B. They use more than two official languages in their country.

C. People enjoy talking to their family members at home in their native language.

D. They learn English at high school for about five years.

2、 What’s the situation of English used in China?

A. Most Chinese students learn English at school as a foreign language.

B. All Chinese students speak English as a foreign language.

C. The majority of Chinese students speak English at school as a second language.

D. The majority of people in Hong Kong use English as their mother language.

3、 What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. There are more than 42 countries where th majority of the people speak English in the world.

B. More than 750 million people learn English as a foreign language.

C. English is the language of global culture such as popular music and the Internet.

D. English is the language which is the most important and widely used in the world today.

4、 Which is right according to the te-t?

A. Native speakers of English might find it unnecessary for them to learn a foreign language.

B. English will be the only English to be used in the future.

C. English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.

D. With the development of China’s economy, Chinese will be more and more important than English.

5、 Which is WRONG to answer the following questions

Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English?

A. More and more people will become interested in English.

B. English is one of the working languages of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.

C. We can communicate with people around the world everywhere through the Internet by using English.

D. English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.



任务5:分小组讨论:1)Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English? 2) In which countries do we find most native speakers of English? Give the names of three counties. 3) Living in China you can use English every day in different situations. Give two e-amples.给学生五分钟的时间分组讨论,然后让每组的代表给出答案(完成本课教学目标)。 教师在布置任务后,应监控各小组的活动,适当的时候可以参与到学生的活动中去。在活动中,教师多用评价性语言:Marvelous /E-cellent /Fantastic /Well done/Great…



Through learning this passage, we have got to know that English is becoming more and more popular all over the world now. So English learning seems important to everyone, especially us students of the new century. With China’s entry into WTO, English will play a more important part in business, in tourism, and even in people’s daily life. So it’s no doubt that everyone should have a good knowledge of English. And I hope everyone in our class can make an effort to learn English well. But on the other hand, it doesn’t mean English is better than Chinese. We must keep it in mind that one’s mother tongue is the most beautiful language in the world. The reason why we learn English is that we should thus be more capable of building up our country. (这是个很好的机会引导学生在领会学好英语的重要性的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。It’s a good chance to lead the students to love our own country as well

as to learn English well.)



2、完成Post-reading E-.2。




1.Students learn some new words and e-pressions to describe people ,especially famous persons;

2.Students are encouraged to give more information about famous persons who they are familiar:

3. Students can realize that it is scientific spirit that makes those scientists successful.


1. Words and e-pressions in this unit

2. Previous knowledge of some of the famous scientists

3. Comprehending the te-t


【导入】Words learning

(Students are assigned to learn the new words of this unit and find out the English e-plainations of the new words )

Definitions or e-planations

A.e-amine 1.general principles of an art or science

B.repeat 2.say or do again

C.theory 3.at once; without delay

D.immediate 4.look at...carefully in order to learn about or from...

E.complete 5.of great value, worth or use

F.valuable 6.having all its parts; whole; finished

G.announce 7.make known

H.control 8.come or bring to an end

I.positive 9.power to order or direct

J.conclude 10.quite certain or sure

【讲授】useful sentences learning

(The sentences are picked from the te-t.)

1.“All roads lead to Rome, ”he encouraged me after I failed the entrance e-amination.

2.This sentence doesn’t make any sense.

3.Our English teacher is not only strict with us but also friendly to us.

4.He is good-looking, apart from his nose.

5.It is announced that the spacecraft, Shenzhou Ⅵ, landed on the earth successfully.

6.It is not Tom but you who are to blame.

7.In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for“rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.And it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.

8.Have you drawn any conclusion after you read this passage?

9.Well done.So much for the learning of the new words and e-pressions.

【讲授】Introduction of a classic article

Teacher introduce a famous person --Qian -uesen and students learn to write an article about the famous scientis using the words and e-pressions they just learn in class.

【活动】Share the outcome

Students share their article orally and discuss whether they have used some good and advanced e-pressions.




Einstein ___________________ one of the greatest scientists in

the20th century.

(2)他对实验结果感到满意, 他把成绩归功于大家。

He ________________________ of the e-periment and _____



Qian -uesen was born into a wealthy family on December 11,

1911, Zhejiang Province, __________________________




_______, he went to America for his further study and gained

his doctor’s degree in the Science of Astronom



