高考在线 >英语


2023-08-15 08:26:13 高考在线




21. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me.

A.little B. a little C. a few D. few

22. Everyone ______ here last Monday.

A.were B.is C. are D. was

23. Did Julie study _______ exams?

A.to B. for C. have D. at

24. It was a _________ day yesterday.

A.rain B. raining C. rainy D. to rain

25. There are also many fast food restaurants in _________ parts of our city.

A.other B. others C. another D. the others

26. You needn’t _________ your English. I will help you.

A.worry B.worried C.worry about D.worried about

27. —_________ does you mother go to the supermarket?

—By bus.

A.Where B. When C. How D.What

28. It’s time ___________class.

A.for have B. have C. to have D. to having

29. He helped his mother clean the rooms and then ________ his homework yesterday afternoon.

A. do B.doing C. does D. did

30. —Is that ________ interesting book?

—Yes, but it is ___________ difficult.

A.an, a little B. a, a bit C.a, a little D. an, little

31. —When did you see the film?


A.Two hours ago. B.In an hour C.Two hours D. In two hours ago

32. How about _________ the supermarket?

A.to go to B.going C.to go D. going to

33. I’d like ________ TV, but my father enjoys _________ newspapers.

A.watching, reading B. seeing, see C.to see, see D. to watch, reading

34. His __________ says it’s 7:00 pm.

A.belt B. wallet C. watch D.ring

35. I think the TV show is interesting. Do you ________ me?

A. like B. agree C. agree to D. agree with

36. —I love Sports News. What about you?


A.I did, too B.I do, either C.I do, too D. I love to

37. —Welcome to Beijing!


A. Not at all B.That’s all right C.Goodbye D. Thank you

38. Nina’s home is ___________ from here, so she doesn’t have to take the bus.

A.five minutes’ walk B. twenty-kilometer

C.two hours by bus D.two hours

39. He is very tired. He doesn’t want to do ___________.

A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything

40. I found it _______ to work out this math problem in one minute.

A.easy B.easily C.quickly D. hardly



1.I think you should borrow some money ____ your friends.

a. from b. to c. for d. in

2.—May I use your dictionary, please?

—Of course, but please ____it as soon as possible.

a. take b. give c. return d. bring

3.—Why is John unhappy?

—Because he ____ the English exam.

a. passed b. didn’t fail c. went through d. failed

4.He gave us ____ on studying English.

a. an advice b. some advices c. many advice d. some advice

5.She looks very busy. I want to help her, but I don’t know____.

a. how to do b. what to do it c. what to do d. why to do

6. Mr Smith eats ____ meat, so he is ____ fat now.

a. too much, too much b. much too, much too c. too much, much too d. much too, too much

7. Does everyone ____ have something to say?

a. other b. another c. else d. others

8. —I’m sorry I broke the window.

—I’m afraid you have to ____it.

a. look for b. get back c. cut up d. pay for

9. He finds ____ hard to finish the work in two days.

a. it b. that c. this d. its

10. Don’t ____ it. Let’s try again.

a. argue with b. complain about c. get on d. be angry with


Dear Pet,

Without knowing more about you, it’s hard for me to give you some good advice.

But first, I am sure that you are 1 . You said that nobody would care if you left home. What about your 2 ? And other family members? It seems that you are very 3 . You’d better go to a doctor or talk 4 your parents. They will be able to help you.

Second, I’m sure there’s someone else in your class who feels lonely, 5 . You never know 6 other people feel. Try to make friends with your classmates. And you could 7 a club to meet new people and make friends, too.

You 8 find happiness in yourself. So my 9 advice is to write a list of all the good things about yourself, learn to like yourself, and then 10 will see your confidence (信心)and like you, too.


1. a. right b. wrong c. OK d. clever

2. a. teachers b. classmates c. parents d. friends

3. a. popular b. tired c. sad d. happy

4. a. to b. about c. of d. with

5. a. too b. either c. also d. to

6. a. why b. how c. when d. where

7. a. take part in b. join c. join in d. take part

8. a. mustn’t b. shouldn’t c. need to d. can’t

9. a. finally b. last c. end d. first

10. a. other b. the other c. others d. another



One of the most popular item (项) in the class newspaper is the advice column(专栏). Here are some of them and their answers ——

Q: I’m always late for school. I try not to be late, but I can’t help (避免) it. Please advise me what to do. Tommy.

A: You are probably late for school because you don’t really like school. My advice to you is to enjoy school more, and then you won’t be late so often.

Q: I find it difficult to make friends. What do you think I should do? Sara.

A: I can’t advise you until I know more about you. Your problem may be that you are shy. On the other hand, it may be the opposite. You may be too bold (大胆). Write and tell me more about yourself.

Q: I’m always at the bottom (末尾) of the class. What do you advise me to do? Molly.

A: I advise you to concentrate (集中注意力) on improving your grades in one subject at first. Next, try to improve your grades in another subject. If you do this, by the end of the year you should be quite a long way up from the bottom in all your subjects.


1.What is the main idea of this passage?

a. The school newspaper has an advice column.

b. Tommy wrote to the school newspaper to ask for advice.

c. Sara finds it difficult to make friends.

d. The advice column in the school newspaper is very popular.

2. What is Tommy’s problem?

a. He is always late for school.

b. He finds it difficult to make friends.

c. He is always at the bottom of the class.

d. He needs help with his homework.

3. What does the adviser (建议者) want Sara to do?

a. Stop being so shy.

b. Stop being so bold.

c. Make more friends.

d. Give more information about herself.

4. What does Molly want to do?

a. Make more friends.

b. Improve her grades.

c. Stay at the bottom of her class.

d. Concentrate on one subject at a time.

5. By the end of the year, what should Molly have in all her subjects?

a. At the bottom.

b. At little way up from the bottom.

c. Quite a long way up from the bottom.

d. At the top.



1.Her room is ____ than _____.

A.biger, your B.bigger, your C.biger, yours D.bigger, yours

2.His ____ brother is three years ____ than he.

A.elder, older B.elder, elder C.older, elder D.older, older

3.Can you finish the work with ____ time and ____ people?

A.less, fewer B.lesser, few C.fewer ,less D.little, fewer

4._____ they are twins,____ they don’t look the same.

A.Though, but B.Though, \ C.But, \ D.Because, so

5Tara sings _____ than Lisa.

A.loudly B.loud C.loudlier D.more loudly

6.---Who is Lisa?

--- The one _____ short black hair.

A.in B.with C.have D.has

7._____ of Wang Lei’s parents are teachers.

A.All B.Every C.Both D.Each

8.Lucy is the same _____ her sister.

A.to B.as C.with D.for

9.Lily is my friend.She is _____ outgoing than me.

A.much B.a little C.a little much D.much more

10.A true friend can _____ his happiness (幸福)and sadness(忧伤) with you. A.have B.share C.forget D.make

11.It’s very important ___ us ___learn English well.

A.to, to B.for, for C.to , for D. for, to

12.My mother makes me ___ my homework before 8 every day.

A.to finish B.finish C.finishes D.finishing

13. She is talented music but I am good sports.

A.in, at B.at,in C.at,at D.in,in

14.Larry is different _____ his classmates.

A.for B.from C.to D.on

15. _________you don’t give up(放弃),your dreams will come true.

A. As long as B. As soon as C. As well as D.As often as


I have a good friend. Her name is Betty. She is 12 years old. I‘m one year older than her.So I am 1 years old. Her eyes are 2 than mine. Her hair is black and long. My hair is longer than 3 . Betty is 156 centimetres (厘米)tall. I'm two centimetres taller 4 her. She is about 40 kg. I'm 50 kg. So she is 5 than me. Betty is a beautiful and 6 girl. She does 7 in English than me. She 8 helps me 9 my English. We'll be good 10 forever(永远).

1.A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13

2.A . big B.bigger C.biger D.small

3A. she B.her C.hers D.she’s

4.A. than B.then C.with D. as

5.A.fat B.fatter C.thin D.thinner

6.A.helps B.helpful C.help D.more helpful

7.A.well B.good C.better D.worse

8.A.often B.hardly C.never D.likes

9.A.to B.with C.studies D.studying

10.A.friend B.brother C.friends D.sister