2023-08-17 03:40:09同步练习英语六年级的答案归纳
2023-08-11 05:03:43湖北十堰中考英语真题大全
2023-08-12 15:26:09英语实用教学任务计划
2023-08-05 00:15:41英语口语训练资料必备
2023-08-03 16:40:23新学期英语教学研修计划
2023-08-07 11:44:23小学三年级英语课程教案范文五篇
2023-08-16 22:13:50英语重点教学计划范文
2023-08-17 03:40:09同步练习英语六年级的答案归纳
2023-08-11 05:03:43湖北十堰中考英语真题大全
2023-08-12 15:26:09英语实用教学任务计划
2023-08-05 00:15:41
具体安排: 对于10个模块,每一模块用10课时,课本的学习可以这样进行:上新课8个课时,单元复习检测2个课时。
3、在口语表达方面,本学期要狠抓学生的口语表达,在教学过程中努力设计教学,把提高学生的口语安排在每节课的教学中。具体措施,每周二四六三次英语课,抽出5-10分钟的时间,安排一到两名学生到讲台前进行英语口语表达练习,形式多样,可以是即兴演讲impromptu speech,天气预报weather forecast ,时政要闻political news,幽默humor,笑话jokes or funny story,戏剧drama,诗歌朗诵reading poems,美文欣赏等。
2、坚持每周互相听评课活动,相互取长补短,提高自己的教学能力 。
1. Lead in.
Class, tell me. When you are ill in hospital for a few day,who will pay for it? Your parents? It’s very bad. The health insurance company? Good, it’s much better.
Today we are going to learn about the health care system in three different countries. Now listen to the tape and try to answer the question:
What are the three countries?
---Britain, America, and Canada.
2. Well, all of you have done a good job. Now read the passage quickly and try to find the answer to this question:
Which health care system do you think is the best? Give two or three sentences to explain why.
--I think Canada has a better system, because health care is free. When you become ill, medical fees are paid for by the government.
3. Answer some more questions:
What’s the problem with the American system?
The problem is that poorer people don’t have the money to pay for private health insurance. As a result, they often have both health and money problems.
Why have there been problems with the British health care system recently?
This is because the government has not put enough money into the health service.
What’s the result of the problems with the British health care system?
More people are using private health insurance. They see doctors and the health insurance pay the doctors.
4. Deal with some language points:
1) pay for sth.
pay sb
pay money for sth
pay sb for sth.
pay off the debts
pay back
pay a visit to
pay attention to
2) begin with= start with
The conference began with a song.
(1) 课题:English around the world
(2) 教材分析与学生分析: Warming Up部分简要介绍了世界英语的分支以及英语语言在不同国家产生的差异,使学生感受英语语言的多文化、多层次、多元性,对英国英语和美国英语的不同有个粗浅的了解;Pre-Reading部分的两个问题引发学生对课文主题的思考,以便参加课堂活动; Reading部分The Road to Modern English 简要说明了英语语言的起源、发展变化、形成原因,以及它的发展趋势。Comprehending部分旨在检查学生对课文基本内容的理解程度; Learning about Language 部分主要通过各种练习帮助学生重温本单元前几个部分的所学习的新单词和短语,同时也通过新的例子展现了美国英语、英国英语的差异,并着重介绍了半单元的语法项目(祈使句及其间接引语);Using Language 部分中的Reading and talking主要介绍了当今世界各国各地说英语都有自己的特色,即便是美国东西部、南北部说话均有所不同。
(3) 课时安排:The first period: Speaking: Warming Up and Pre-Reading The second period: Reading The Road to modern English
The third period: Reading (Language points)
The forth Period:Learning about Language
The fifth period: Using Language
The sixth period: Listening
① 知识与技能:了解英语在世界上的发展状况,认识各种各样带有民族、地域特色的英语;对英国英语和美国英语的差异有所了解,尤其是一些常用词汇,比如falt和apartment, lift 和elevator, rubber 和eraser等; 掌握本单元中出现的词汇、短语的用法; 学会语言交际困难的表达法,如pardon, I beg your pardon?; 掌握祈使句及其间接引语的表达法。
② 过程与方法:本单元通过对“世界英语”这一话题的探讨,以加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语的发展趋势的了解。在教授本单元时必须强调美国英语、澳大利亚英语、印度英语、新加坡英语等都有各自的规律和和惯用法。要提防学生认为可以滥用英语词汇,随意违反英语语法规则或惯用法,不顾正常的发音、语调等。在学生用书中的听力部分,原文真实的反映了灭国南部地区英语的方言和语音,旨在让学生感受一下将英语作为母语的本国人说话的一个侧面。要注意掌握尺度,让学生感受一下、了解一下,点到为止,不提倡硬性模仿。
③ 情感态度与价值观:了解英国英语和美国英语的区别,两种英语不存在那种好与不好的问题。可以给学生布置以下任务:通过对话形式,将所学过的英美说法的不同之处,按实际生活和想象编一段对话。尽可能运用语言功能中表达语言困难的说法。
(5) 教学重点和难点:
词汇 include role international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern culture actually present rule vocabulary usage identity government rapidly candy lorry command request retell polite boss standard Midwestern Spanish eastern southeastern northwestern recognize accent lightning direction subway block
短语: play a role (in) because of come up such as play a part (in)
难点 Expressing one’s idea on which kind of English one should learn; guess the name of speaker’s country by listening; how to tell the differences between a command and a request; how to change the pronoun when turning the direct speech into indirect speech.
(6) 教学策略: Discussion, Student-centered vocabulary, learning, listening, pair work, teach grammar in real situation (7) 教学煤体设计: A projector and a tape recorder. (8) 教学过程:详见以下分课时教学设计。 (9) 课堂练习与课外作业设计: 穿插于分课时教学设计中
(10) 教学反思或值得改进的地方: 见每个课时最后部分。
Teaching aims:
1. 能力目标:
a. Listening: get information and views from the listening material;
b. Speaking: express one’s attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words.
c. Reading: enable the Ss to get the main idea
d. Writing: write some advice about making friend as an editor
2. 知识目标:
a. Talk about friends and friendship; how to make friends; how to maintain friendship
b. Use the following expressions:
I think so. / I don’t think so.
I agree. / I don’t agree.
That’s correct.
Of course not.
I’m afraid not.
c. to enable the Ss to control direct speech and indirect speech
d. vocabulary: add point upset calm concern careless loose cheat reason list share feeling thought German series outdoors crazy moonlight purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice quiz editor communicate situation habit
add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in
3. 情感目标:
a. To arose Ss’ interest in learning English;
b. To encourage Ss to be active in the activities and make Ss to be confident;
c. To develop the ability to cooperate with others.
4. 策略目标:
a. To develop Ss’ cognitive strategy: taking notes while listening;
b. To develop Ss’ communicative strategies.
5. 文化目标:to enable the Ss to get to know different opinions about making friends from different countries.
Teaching steps:
Period one
Step1. Warm-up
1. Ss listen to an English song AULD LANG SYNE.
2. Brainstorming: let Ss say some words about friendship – honest, friendly, brave, humorous, funny, wise, kind, open-minded, responsible, helpful….
Step 2. Talk about your old friends
1. Ss talk about their old friends in Junior Middle School, talk about their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.
2. Self-introduction
Step 3. Make new friends
1. Ss go around and ask their new friends some information and fill in the following form
Name Age/hobbies/favorite sports, books, …
2. Report to the class: who will probably be your friend why.
Step 4. Do a survey
Ss do the survey in the text ,P1
Sep 5. Listening and talking
Do Wb P41 (Talking). While Ss listen to the material, ask them to take notes about the speaker’s views of making friends.
When Ss make their conversation, ask them to try to use the following expressions.
I think so. / I don’t think so. I agree. / I don’t agree.
That’s correct. Of course not. Exactly. I’m afraid not.
Step 6. Discussion
Divide Ss four in one group and each group choose a topic to discuss. There are four topics.
Topic 1: Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.
Topic 2: There is a saying “to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.” What do you think of the saying and how can you be a good friend?
Topic 3: Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend? Why?
Topic 4: List some qualities of a person who does not make friend easily.
Step 7. Summary
1. Ask Ss themselves to summarize what is friendship and what is the most important in making friends.
2. T shows more information about friendship and a poem about friendship.
What is friendship?
I want to find the answer to the question
What is friendship?
When it rains, I think friendship is a small umbrella.
It can give me a piece of clear sky.
When I’m crying, I think friendship is a white handkerchief.
It can wipe my tears dry.
When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm word.
It can bring me happiness again.
When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand.
It can help me escape my troubles.
When I sit in a quiet place, I think friendship is a very wonderful feeling.
It can’t be pulled and torn, because it is in everyone’s heart.
It is there from the beginning to the end of our lives.
3. Tell Ss: make new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold.
Step 8. eva luation
Ss finish the following eva luation form. Standard: A, B,C
Contents 自评 他评
1. I’m active in talking with others.
2. I’m active in cooperating with others.
3.I can express myself fluently, accurately and appropriately.
4. I know more about friendship after this lesson..
5. Do you think you need to improve yourself in some aspects? Which aspects?
1. Look up the new words and expressions in warm-up and pre-reading in a dictionary.
2. Write a short passage about your best friend.
Period two
Step1.Warming up
Activity1: Suppose you have to stay indoors to hide yourself for a whole year. You can never go outdoors, otherwise you will be killed. You have no telephone, computer, or Tv at home.
How would you feel?
What would you do?
Four students a group discuss with each other for 2 minutes.
Activity2: Play a short part of the movies Schindler’s List
Step2. Predicting
Students read the title of the passage and observe the pictures and the outline of it to guess:
Who is Anne’s best friend?
What will happen in the passage?
Step3. Skimming
Students skim the passage in 2 minutes to get the main idea :
Who is Anne’s best friend?
When did the story happen?
Step4. Scanning
Students work in pairs to find the information required below:
in World War Ⅱ
Step5. Intensive reading
Students work in group of four to discuss the following open questions:
1.Why did the windows stay closed?
2.How did Anne feel?
3.What do you think of Anne?
4.Guess the meanings of “spellbound”, “ hold me entirely in their power” from the discourse(语篇,上下文).
5.Which sentences attract you in the passage? Step6. Activity
Four students a group to discuss the situation:
Suppose you four have to hide yourselves for 3 months. During the three months, you will be offered the basic food, water and clothes. Your group can take 5 things with you.
What will you take? Why?
How will you spend the 3 months?
How will you treat each other and make friends ?
Task1.Surf the internet to find Anne’s Diary and read some of it. Print out a piece of the diary and write down your feelings after reading it on the page. We will share the pieces and your feelings with the whole class.
Task2.Ex2.3on Page3
Period three
Step 1. Warming up
Check the Ss’ assignment: task 2
Step 2. Language points:
1. add (v.)
1). To put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.增加,添加
Please add something to what I’ve said, John.
2). To join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total 相加
Add up these figures for me, please.
add to something: to increase 增加
What he did has added to out difficulties.
add up to: to amount to 加起来等于;总计
The cost added up to 100 million yuan.
2. cheat v. 1). To act in a dishonest way in order to win 欺骗;作弊
2). (of, out of) to take from (someone) in a dishonest way 骗取
They cheated the old woman out of her money by making her sign a document she didn’t understand.
n. 1). an act of cheating 作弊行为
2). one who cheats 骗子
3. go through
1). To examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究
I went through the students’ papers last night.
2). To experience 经历,遭受或忍受
You really don’t know what we went through while working on this project.
4. crazy (adj.)
1). mad, foolish 疯狂的,愚蠢的
It’s crazy to go out in such hot weather.
2). wildly excited; very interested 狂热的,着迷的
She is crazy about dancing.
5. lonely (adj.) unhappy because of being alone or without friends 孤独的,寂寞的
He has been very lonely since his wife left him.
1). without or separated from others 单独的
She lives alone.
2). only 仅仅,只有。用于名词或代词之后。
The gloves alone cost $ 80.
leave/let sb. or sth. alone: not take, touch or interfere with sb or sth 不带走,不触摸,不干涉某人或某事
Leave that alone. It’s mine.
She has asked to be left alone.
6. be concerned about/for: be worried about 担心
We’re all concerned about her safety.
7. upset:
1). Adj. worried; sad; angry; not calm 不安,心烦意乱, 生气
He is upset.
2). V. cause to worry, to be sad, to be angry, not to be calm 使不安,使生气
His cheating on the exam upset his teacher.
8.well n. 井 adj. 身体好 adv. 好 Int. 噢,
George was well and truly drunk.
I couldn’t very well say no when there was no one else she could ask.
9. spellbind: to hold the complete attention of 吸引人,迷人,是入迷
The children watched spellbound as the magician took rabbits from his hat.
Step 3. Learning about language
1. Finish Ex.1, 2 and 3. on Page 4.
2. Direct speech and indirect speech: Ss do Ex.1 and 2 on Page 5. Then let the Ss themselves discover the structures.
Step 4. Practice
Using structures on Page 42: ask the Ss to use indirect speech to retell the story.
Step 5. Assignment
Finish Wb. Ex, 1 and2 on page 41 and 42.
Period four
Step 1. Revision
Check the Ss’ assignment.
Step 2. Reading
Ss read the letter on page 6
1. get along with
2. fall in love
Step 3. Listening
Ss should take notes while they are listning.
1. first listening: Ss listen and answer the questions of part 2 on page 6.
2. second listening: Ss listen again and finish part 3 on page 6.
Step 4. Listening
Ss listen to a story about Anne and try to finish Wb. Ex 1 and 2 on page 43 and page 44.
Step 5. Speaking
Ss work in groups of four. Design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. They can use the quiz in the Warming up to help them.
Step 6. Assignment
1. Ss prepare the reading task on page 44.
2. Surf the internet and find some material about friendship in different countries.
Period five
Step 1. Warming up
Ss say something about making friends and how to maintain friendship.
Step 2. Listening
Ss listen to a short passage and fill in the blanks on page 41 (listening).
Step 3. Reading
1. first reading: Ss read the passage about friendship in Hawaii and finish Wb.Ex1.on page 45.
2. second reading: Ss read again and discuss the questions on page 45.
3. Ss share their material about friendship in different countries in groups, and then choose some groups to show theirs in class.
Step 4. Discussion
What do you and your friends think is cool?
Ss look at the photos on page 46 and in groups of four talk about whether what they are doing is cool or not .
Ask Ss to use the following sentences while they talk:
I think that… is cool/ isn’t cool because ….
I think so.
I don’t think so.
I agree with you.
I don’t agree with you.
Step 5. assignment
Ss collect some proverbs about friendship.
Period six
Step 1. Pre-writing
1. Read a letter from a student called Xiaodong.
2. Go over the advice on page 7 and be ready for writing.
Step 2. While-writing
Ask the Ss to write a letter to Xiaodong as an editor and give him some advice.
1. Ss make a list about the important information that they need.
2. Ss begin to write the letter to Xiaodong.
3. Ss revise their letters by themselves.
4. Ss exchange their writing paper with their partners and correct the mistakes. (tense, spelling, letters, structures….)
5. Ss get back their own writing paper and write the letter again.
Step 3. Post-writing
Choose some students’ writing paper and show in the class. Ask the Ss to correct the mistakes together and also learn from some good writings.
Step 4. Writing for fun
1. Ss read the passage on page 7 by themselves.
2. Ss try to write a few lines to describe their best friends or a person they know.
3. Show some Ss’ writings in class.
Step 5.Assignment
Do Wb writing task on page 46.
Period seven
Teachers can use this period freely.
Suggestion: Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish checking yourself on page 47. It is very important to improve their learning.
Warming-up 部分通过两张图片引出话题“一旦地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害”,为后面的主题作了一个热身运动。
Pre-reading 部分设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫,学生可通过套乱,参阅有关地震的书籍并运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。Reading 部分具体描写了1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。作者详细描述了地震来临前的一些不正常的自然现象及动物的反常表现;地震的来势汹汹并在顷刻间将整座城市夷为平地;震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作。Comprehending 部分包括三组练习,主要目的是为了帮助学生更好地理解Reading部分的文章。
Learning about Language 部分分为两个部分:Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures.第一部分要求学生在把握文章的基础上,掌握重点词汇的词义及时用,这更注重培养学生运用上下文猜测词义的能力。其次还对一些复杂的数字读法进行了检测。第二部分则结合文章学习定语从句。
Using Language 部分分为Reading,Writing and Speaking;Listening和Writing。Reading,Writing and Speaking 包括读一篇邀请函,写一份演讲稿和关于一套新唐山邮票的Little talk。Listening 部分讲述了一位地震幸存者的故事,并根据听力材料进行正误判断和回答问题,旨在培养学生获取细节的能力,并通过听来模仿标准的语音和语调。Writing部分要求学生报纸写一篇新闻报道,学习如何按照规范的步骤进行写作,如选择适当地标题和组织语言等。另外这一部分也培养学生写作时注意标题、主旨大意和细节。
Summing up部分帮助学生整理、巩固本单元所学到的知识,包括学到的关于地震的知识,有用的动词、名词、表达方式和新的语法项目。Learning Tip部分就听英语方面给出了一些建议,建议学生多听广播或电视里的英语节目.
① 词汇(Vocabulary):shake, rise, crack, burst, well, smelly, pond, steam, destroy, ruin, injure, survivor, brick, useless, shock, quake, rescue, electricity,
disaster, organize, bury, coal, mine, shelter, fresh, percent, honor, prepare.
② 短语(Phrases and expressions):right away, at an end, lie in ruins, be trapped under sth, to the north of sp, put up, give out, wake sb up, prepare sth for sth., think little of sth.
③ 语法(Grammar):定语从句(The Attributive Clause).能用英语描述任务的特征、行为等---- 由who/ whom/ whose/ that引导;能用英语描述事物、事件的性质、内容等---- 由which/ that/ whose引导。
能运用所学语言知识描述地震前兆、危害及震后援救;根据已知信息推测将要听取的材料的内容;提高阅读技能和用英语进行思维、推理、判断的能力; 掌握演讲稿的格式及新闻报道的写作步骤和要点。
3. 情感目标Affect
1重点词汇:injure,survivor, shock, rescue, disaster, fresh, judge, prepare
2语法:The Attributive Clause
3难点: 运用所学知识表达自己的想法; 较长句子成分的划分及意义的理解; 如何能就课文内容完成一些开放性的话题讨论,能把课文的内容得以延伸与拓展;指导学生通过各种渠道如报纸、杂志、图书馆和网络等资源查找有关素材,培养信息社会收集查找资料的能力。
Part1:Warming-up和listening.通过游戏、介绍和VIDEO等手段对地震知识进行适当了解的基础上,引入对San Francisco地震的学习,从而进入听力部分。
Part2:Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending and Learning about Language.读前的两个问题:第一个问题问学生在危机情况下会带什么,有利于很好的激起学生的兴趣和调动课堂气氛,由此则可过渡到第二个问题对地震前兆的了解,从而自然地引入到对唐山大地震的学习。在对唐山大地震震前、震中和震后的学习中,可结合今年唐山大地震30周年的报道,使学生进一步了解唐山大地震和现今的唐山,形成对比和强烈的震撼,从而更好地了解学习唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神。其次,通过对文章的学习,了解新闻的特点,为后面的写作做准备。重点词汇和语法的学习可结合文章进行,并配以适当的练习。
Part4:Using Language(Reading, Writing and Speaking),主要学习SPEECH演讲稿的写作。通过对演讲稿的了解、注意事项和名人演讲的感受,让学生学会如何恰当地写演讲稿。
Warming-up & Listening
Teaching goals:
1. Get a general idea of earthquakes and some other natural disasters;
2. Train students’ listening ability and try to improve their pronunciation;
3. Know the damage that an earthquake and other disasters could bring about and ways to reduce the losses of an earthquake.
Teaching important points:
Train the students’ listening ability and improve pronunciation.
Teaching aids:
A tape recorder; the blackboard; CIA课件
Teaching procedures:
Step1. Lead-in
----video of different natural disasters
T: Our hometown is a place full of a kind of disasters. What is it?
Typhoon, earthquake, hurricane tsunami, flood, tornado, drought…are all called natural disasters.
Q. what damage will they bring about?
---- everything in ruins/ death/ losses…
Step2. Introduction of Earthquakes (Let students get the general idea of earthquake)
Q: what do you know about earthquake? What causes quakes and where do they often happen? How to predict an earthquake?
Q: How to avoid being hurt?? ----through games
Q: Have you heard of any land earthquakes?
----Two pictures in warming-up: Tangshan Earthquake and San Francisco Earthquake.
Q: What do you know about these two earthquakes?
Step3: Listening
1. Pre-listening
----brief introduction of San Francisco Earthquake
Q: When did the quake happen?
---- 1906
Q: what damage did bring about?
---- About 700 people died in the earthquake and the fires. And as many as 250,000 people lost homes…
2. While-Listening
----according to the exercises in the text book
3. Post-listening
----How can we reduce the damage of earthquake? What can we do?
Step4: Homework
---- preview the reading “A Night the Earth didn’t Sleep” and learn new words of this unit
Teaching goals:
1. Target language 目标语言
Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Train the students’ reading and speaking ability.
Train the students’ ability to use the Internet to search for some useful information.
Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others.
Teaching important points:
Train the students’ reading ability—skimming and scanning.
Teaching difficult points:
Describe the disasters.
Teaching aids:
Teaching procedures:
Step1. Lead-in
T: We have a visit to the museum of natural disasters, and you have learned about some brief introduction of most disasters. Today, I want to show you round the earthquake department, and I hope you will like it and learn some useful knowledge. Now let’s go.
T: At the very beginning, I want to know how much you know about an quake.
Q1: What would you take with you if a quake happened?
Q2: The best way to save yourself is to know there will be a quake before it happens. What kind of signs can tell you that there is a quake?
Q3: What kind of damage can an earthquake cause?
S: buildings are destroyed; people are killed; families are broken…
T: Let’s have a look at some pictures of such terrible site. (Pictures of quakes)
T: (The last picture is monument of Tangshan quake.) Do you know what this is?
Step2. Pre-Reading
T: 30 years ago, on the day July, the 28th, a terrible disaster suddenly happened, and the beautiful Tangshan was removed from the map. This is Tangshan quake. Does any body know something about Tangshan quake?
T: Let’s read a news report about the famous quake.
Step3. While-reading
I. Skimming & scaring
Get the students comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading.
T: First please skim the passage fast to obtain/ get a general understanding of the whole passage. And underline the answers to the following questions.
II. While reading, divide the whole passage into 3parts and find out the main idea of each part.
Para.1 before the quake
Para.2-3 during the quake
Para.4 after the quake
II. Careful-reading
Read the passage again and try to get more detailed information.
T: Now let’s read the passage again and find more information. Join the correct parts of the sentences. (Turn to page 27, ex1)
T: Now you have read the passage carefully, please put the sentences in order. Number each of these things during the Tangshan quake.(Turn to page 27, ex2)
T: here are some more work for you. You can work in groups.
T: Let’s watch some pictures, and comparing the old Tangshan, the Tangshan after quake, and the new Tangshan we see today.
Step 4 Post-reading (discussing)
T: After read the news report, and see so many pictures, what impresses you most? Why?
Or what do you learn from such a disaster?
(Self-rescue, environment protection, rebuilt, love and help)
I: self-rescue (a video game)
T: When in a quake, if you know some self-rescue skills, you may probably save yourself. If you want to know some of the skills, click here. (Link to the index)
Let’s do little game to see how much you know about self-rescue.
II. What did they suffer and feel?
T: Can you understand what they suffer and what they feel after such a disaster?
T: If you were one of the rescuers 30 years ago, what could you say and what can you do to comfort them? Or how could you help them?
III. Rebuilding
T: we see that the new Tangshan has been set up. What is needed to rebuild Tangshan.
IV: environment protection
T: nowadays there are more disasters than before. One of the reasons is that we pay more attention to our economy development than the earth we live.
Look at these pictures. What can we students do to save the earth?
T: Though the disasters destroy buildings, people’s lives, but it can not destroy the love among us.
Step 5 Homework
1. Find more news reports about earthquake.
2. Write a piece of news about Tangshan. You can use the information in the passage.
News Writing
Teaching aims:
1. Get students to learn how to write news;
2. Train students the ability to cooperate with each other and to search for information;
3. Learn more about Tangshan earthquake and honor the people of Tangshan.
Teaching difficulties:
1. How to make students learn writing in a more practical and effective way;
2. How to help students understand the tips for writing.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Lead-in
----The 30th anniversary of Tangshan earthquake (news)
T: We have learnt the Tangshan earthquake. When did it happen? How many people died during the earthquake?
Step 2: Presentation of students’ news writing (homework of last class)
----point out the mistakes in news writing according to three aspects
T: You have finished the news writing of Tangshan earthquake, and now it’s time for you to show your project. Others have to point out the mistakes in his or her writing according to three aspects.
----Three aspects: headline; content and language
T: What do you think of his or her writing? Is it a proper news writing? What have you done before your writing?
Step 3: Tips for writing
1. Preparation ---- an outline
Preparation: Choose a topic; decide what you want to say about the topic; Organize your ideas and write clearly.
Outline: A headline; a list of main ideas; A list of important details
2. Headline
⑴ Appreciation of headlines
New business regulations;
New tax on housing sales A Night the Earth didn’t Sleep;
Cyclists Ready to Go on the Road for Blind Kids;
China Marks 30th Anniversary of Tangshan Earthquake;
Does Beijing snack change its flavor?
Memories of quake die hard for Tangshan survivors;
Chao Chien-ming released.
⑵ characteristics of headlines
Q: what’s the characteristic of headlines?
⑶ practice ---- write headlines for the following news according to the picture and information given
Flood relief efforts----The death toll on the Chinese mainland from Typhoon Kaemi has risen to 32, with at least 65 still missing. Local governments are sparing no efforts to carry out relief work.
PLA celebrates 79th birthday----The Chinese People's Liberation Army is 79 years old, and the Defense Ministry has held a reception to celebrate.
Quake hits Indonesian island----A moderate earthquake has struck near Indonesia's Nias island off northern Sumatra. The quake, with a magnitude of 5.6 struck just before 8.30 am, and was centered under the Indian Ocean, about 55 kilometers northwest of the main town on the island, Gunung Sitoli.
Railway's impact on Tibetans----The Railway brings the remote Qinghai-Tibet plateau closer to the rest of the world. With people able to move in and out of the region more easily and the economic benefits the railway brings, the lives of Tibetans will never be the same again.
3. Content
---- How to organize your content of news
⑴ Tips----Be clear of the content you want to mention; List your ideas; Write the most important thing in the beginning and the less ones in the following
⑵ Practice----write the beginning of news according to the information and picture given
Chinese UN Observer's
Coffin Sent Home
Special plane landed in Beijing Wednesday morning, carrying home the body of Chinese UN observer Du Zhaoyu, who was killed last week during Israel's air raid on Lebanon. Du's coffin, covered with Chinese and UN flags, was carried down the plane by eight Chinese soldiers.
4. Language
Tips----clear; objective; brief; accurate; written English…
Step 4: Appreciation of news
Radio----VOA news: “Aid for tsunami victims”
News report----“Tangshan Quake 30th Anniversary”
Step 5: Improvement of students’ writing
----Improve your news writing about Tangshan earthquake
Using Language
----Reading, writing and speaking
Teaching Aims:
1. Enable the students to make a speech
2. Let the students enjoy some famous speeches
Teaching Important and Difficult Points:
1. Review something about disasters
2. How to make a speech
Teaching Methods:
1. Individual work
2. group work
Teaching Aids: Computer, blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
(Teacher shows a series of pictures of some disasters on the screen, let the students talk about their feelings or anything they feel about the pictures.)
(The pictures are: fire, hurricane, typhoon, tsunami, earthquake…)
T: In this unit, we learn a lot about disasters. We know disaster is not a good thing to us. We often feel sad or sorry if a disaster happens.
T: Right now, you have just seen some of the disasters. Do you feel worried about these refugees?
Ss: Yes.
Step 2 Discussion
T: Yes, everybody will feel sorry for them. But who is the most worried people when a disaster happens?
Ss: families and friends / government and president / ……..
T: Suppose, there is an earthquake happen somewhere in China, and you have a friend happens to be there. You are very worried. What will you do when you hear that an earthquake happens there? (Let the students discuss with their partner)
Ss: I will feel very worried. I will make sure my friend is Ok as soon as possible. I will make a call to see if he is Ok.
T: Again, suppose you are a president of a country, and an earthquake happens in your country. What will you do?
Ss: It is my duty to comfort the refugees and the society. So first I will make a live speech to the whole country, telling my people that I know it and I will try my best to organize the rescue work and the rebuilding work after the earthquake.
T: Yes, you are very clever. In fact, a real president will do just as you said ----- to make a speech. Now just let’s listen to a real speech made by President Bush after a big earthquake hit India on the first day of New Year.
(Play the tape record for the students)
Step 3 Speech
T: Right now we’ve just listened to a speech made by President Bush. Do you know something about how to make a speech? Can you tell me when should we make a speech?
Ss: a speech competition / election / the beginning of a new year / the opening of some activity / anniversary…..
T: Yes, people need to make speeches at those times. Then do you know how to make a speech? What should we contain when we make a speech?
Ss: Introduction: Give a strong first impression & preview your speech
Body: Explain your ideas and support them
Conclusion: Review your speech and leave a lasting final impression.
Step 4 Text
T: It seems that you know a lot about making a speech. I remember we say that we may need to make a speech when it is some important anniversary.
T: You know 2006 is the 30th anniversary of Tang Shan Earthquake. Here is an invitation, inviting you to make a speech about it. You can look at the letter on your text book.
T: You can include these points in your speech;
1. thank Mr Zhang Sha and the city government for inviting you to speak
2. thank the visitors, especially the survivors
3. thank those who worked hard to save survivors
4. list some of the things the workers did to help the survivors
5. thank those who worked hard to build the city
6. describe your feeling about the city, which is known as the “Brave City of China”.
7. encourage the people to be always proud of their city.
8. thank the visitors for listening to your speech.
T: So try to give a speech, using these points. Now I will give you 5miniutes to finish the speech.
(after 5 minutes)
Step 5 Speech contest
T: Times up. Have you finished your speech? Ok, I think it is time for us to hold a speech contest. We have 4 groups in our class. Each group, please choose one contestant to represent your group and join the class speech contest. …, …and … will be the judges.
(Ask each group to give a speech and the chosen judges will choose the winner.)
T: Congratulations to the winner!
Step 6 Conclusion
T: In this lesson we learned a lot about speech and we also made a speech by ourselves. So do you know how to make a speech now?
T: At the end of the class, let’s enjoy a very famous speech in human history.
(Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address)